After a healthy hiatus from professional social media channels (Twitter and LinkedIn) for the best part of 3 years, I find myself reinventing or reimagining my offering; a lot has happened to me in that time, and of course, the world’s a little bit different, too.

My Freed by Design moniker (which, to be honest, I don’t think I’ve ever explained) was born out of an intended side hustle between myself and an Accessible Design practitioner, which for no reason other than life getting in the way, never really got beyond being a pipe dream.

My ethos was, and still is, that Design (either process or output) is for everyone, from creating A11y-compliant experiences to showing those colleagues that claim to be the least creative that Design is more exploration and problem-solving than it is Art and empowering them to contribute and collaborate.
Similarly to how I see Design helping us solve life’s problems away from work, there are lessons I learn on my Yoga mat that resonate with me when I’m at work; leading teams, coaching people or facilitating workshops. And so, as the self-diagnosed hippy that I am, I hope to share more of my thoughts at the intersection of mindfulness and creativity.

To ground me in the right mindset on this journey, Freed by Design is now The UX Yogi.
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